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 Contact Access Campus Map Japanese Home Introduction Laboratories Faculty Members Academic Programs Admission Career Japanese Laboratories Nuclear Energy-Flow Environmental Engineering Safety Engineering of Nuclear Systems Nuclear Energy-Flow Environmental Engineering Introduction Front Line Research Message Website The ongoing problem of 'High and low-level radioactive waste'. Building a secure, safe and stable disposal system for storing radioactive wastes – the research that the future depends on. Think of the "barriers" which isolate radioactive waste and human society Science and technology bring enormous profit and productivity to our society and standard of living, but they also yield disadvantages and create issues which need to be solved, such as the radioactive waste generated from nuclear plants and nuclear fuel cycle facilities. According to the current plan for the disposal of radioactive wastes, wastes that contain radionuclides are separated into high-level radioactive waste and low-level radioactive waste. High-level waste can be disposed of geologically burying (geological disposal) more than 300 meters underground after being solidified into a stable form (vitrification) and kept in storage for about 50 years. Low-level waste is separated into three categories based on its radioactivities level and properties. They are disposed by "near-surface trench disposal," "near-surface pit disposal" and "intermediate depth disposal," from the least radioactive of the three categories respectively. All these are methods to guarantee safety by sealing the waste in concrete and burying them in the ground. The things that have the function of isolating the radioactive wastes from our living environment are called "barriers." There are two kinds of barriers: those made of natural resources such as soil and geological formations, and those produced by engineering such as solidification substances, containers, structures and fillers. In the Niibori Laboratory, we focus on the research of the construction of safe and economic disposal and for radioactive wastes and evaluation of ultra-long term disposal system performance, based on an understanding of underground migration behavior (of mass and heat transfer and chemical reaction) taking into consideration their effects on underground structures. We make our approach with an updated perspective by actively adapting aplicable technology and know-how especially from the study and development of stable barrier materials which utilize the interactions of cement-based materials and nuclides. Staff ProfessorNIIBORI Yuichi Associate ProfessorCHIDA Taiji Assistant ProfessorSEKI Tsugumi Specially Appointed Assistant ProfessorISHII Tomoko Laboratories Core Lab Energy Physics Engineering Advanced Fusion Reactor Engineering Fusion Plasma Diagnostics and Advanced Plasma Confinement Neutron Device Engineering Safety Engineering of Nuclear Systems Nuclear Energy-Flow Environmental Engineering Nuclear Energy System Safety Engineering Energy Physics and Engineering Education Degradation Science and Plant Life Management Measurement Technology and Reliability Quantification Particle-Beam Engineering System Engineering of Particle-Beams Applied Quantum Medical Engineering Advanced Radiation Application Nuclear Fuel Science Advanced Nuclear Engineering Advanced Nuclear Engineering --> Cooperative Lab Energy Materials Engineering Irradiation Effects in Nuclear and Their Related Materials, IMR Nuclear Materials Engineering, IMR Quantum Theoretic Material Engineering Science and Technology of Functional Materials, IMR Engineering for Actinide Materials, IMR Energy Chemical Engineering Radiochemistry, IMRAM Accelerator Radiation Engineering Accelerator Health Physics Nuclear Radiation Physics and Engineering Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University 6-6-01-2, Aza-Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579 JAPAN Contact Access Campus Map © School of Engineering, Tohoku University Tohoku University School of Engineering Division of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Alumni Association Office of East Asian Academic Exchange, Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering

エコペイズアプリ ボンズカジノビットコイン 競馬に賭けられる日本向けブックメーカー 2024年3月【最新版】 競馬に賭けられる日本向けブックメーカー 2024年3月【最新版】
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